
Showing posts from June, 2007

Bounce This Along

Bounce This Along

Bounce This Along

Bounce This Along---- Ever wondered if you could use "Bounce for anything other than cleaning your laundry ? Well here are few tips that you may not be aware of 1. All this time you've just been putting Bounce in the dryer! It Will chase ants away when you lay a sheet near them. It also repels mice. 2. Spread sheets around foundation areas, or in trailers, or cars That are sitting And it keeps mice from entering your vehicle. 3. It takes the odor out of books and photo albums that don't get Opened too often. 4. It repels mosquitoes. Tie a sheet of Bounce through a belt loop When outdoors during mosquito season. 5. Eliminate static electricity from your television (or computer) Screen. 6. Since Bounce is designed to help eliminate static cling, wipe Your television screen with a used sheet of Bounce to keep dust from Resettling. 7. Dissolve soap scum from shower doors. Clean with a sheet of Bounce. 8. To freshen the air in your home - Place an individual sheet of Boun