Lake Village News 18 01 07

** A can't miss activity!

The Tiki Band will entertain us at the pool Friday, January 19th from3:00 to 5:00.
No admission (or tip jar), come early for the pool lounges and chairs, or bring your own. Drinks and snacks allowed, but no glass and NO TRASH!
Bill and Casey, Liz and Larry Smith and Pat Ricciardi.
  1. 1) I replaced my HP Deskjet 648 printer with adifferent model and have 2 unopened ink jet cartridgesfor the HP 600 series printers.- one color HP 49 and one black HP 20. Will sell for$10 each. Coleen Fabrycki at 97 Circle Drive, phone 485-5868, e-mail
  2. Tom Lock of 126 5th St. West is in need of a man'sbicycle. 485-8687 Pass the word along to friends whohave extra bikes and no computer.
  3. Well, we now don't have a 'dip' in the 'hill'between 7th East and Sunshine! Blacktopped, no less.
  4. Mark your calendar: The Pal Sailor Circus willpresent the 58th Annual Spring Show on March 21 thruMarch 31st. This is the one with children of schoolage, it is great! Music, costumes and real circusacts!
  5. For all you 'treasure seekers', the park garagesales are in full swing. Friday and Sat, JapaneseGardens, Venice SDA Church, 2375 Seaboard Ave.,Saturday only; Venice Ranch Mobile Home Park, NokomisCommunity Garage Sale, Pelican Pointe Annual GarageSale, Country Club Estates Clubhouse. So, get out andget the little extras you HAVE to HAVE.
  6. USED STUFF, a business in Sarasota at 1404 CentralAvenue, has all kinds of stuff. Old toilets, Bathubsand Seiling fans, old doors, piles of tile, washingmachines, stacks of sinks, baseboard. There is even a14-carat, gold-plated chandelier hanging in the mainshowroom!
  7. 16th Annual Venice Nokomis Rotary Art Festival isSaturday and Sunday at the NE corner of Venice Airportfrom 10 to 5 pm. 150 + artists, food and refeshments,children's art show, car and boat show. Free carparking. $2 admission at the gate. Proceeds benefitmany local community programs. 486-2711.
  8. Want to learn to Play Guitar ?
    If you want to learn to play the guitar at home why not take a look at this

    or you could also take a look at this


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