Lake village News 16 Nov 2006

1) Christmas Bazaar,
haven't seen any ads in thenewspaper, but according to the sign out front, it is tomorrow at the clubhouse. Lu St. George told me lunch is $4.00 and consists of a hot dog or ham salad, baked beans, chips and a pickle, and a cupcake donated by the Millie Lake's exercise class and is served from 9:00 to 1:00.

2) Third Thursday Stroll - Venice Mainstreet -
TheIsland Avenues 5:30 to 8:00 pm.

3) We drove to Myakka State Park
the other evening at sunset (5:00 to 6:30) and enjoyed seeing quite a few animals along the drive in the park. First was 5 teenage piggies, all colors, walked across the road in front of us. Then we saw 6 deer, 2 and 2 and 1 and 1, all, either along the road or crossing in front of us. Only 1 squirrel and a few alligators and birds,usually a bunch of them.

4) Sarasota County courts
have help for people going through legal proceedings without a lawyer.
The County Court Small Claims Self-Help DVD was developed by County Judge Kimberly Carlton Bonner and narrated by Circuit Judge Rick DePuria. The DVD offers advice on how to prepare yourself in the hope of making the process more understandable and less stressful. Topics include; being served, pretrial conference, mediation and settlement, trial and the collection and satisfaction of judgement. Copies of the DVD are available for a nominal charge of $5.00 and can be picked up at the 12th Circuit Court Administration office at the Judge Lynn N. Silvertooth Judicial Center, 2002 Ringling BLvd.,Suite 800 Sarasota. The DVD will soon be available on the courts Web site at

5) Sign up for Thanksgiving Dinner
at the Clubhouse by this weekend. Hazel Huelsman needs to order the turkeys. 4:00 social hour, 5:00dinner.

6) Venice MainStreet Holiday Parade (aka ChristmasParade)
November 25th from 7pm to 9 pm. They usually have acts before at Harbor Drive and W. Venice Avenue, so check the newspapers.

7) The Venice CHristmas Boat Parade of Lights
December 2nd from Albee Road Bridge to the Circus Bridge (the south bridge). Starts at 6:00 pm, if you stay on the mainland, easier to get home afterwards. Under the Venice Avenue Bridge near theTrain Depot is a good place to set up.

8) Miama Avenue Flea Market -
9 am to 3 pm, the 3rd Saturday of every month along West Miami Avenue,downtown Venice. Stephanie, 484-2222.

9) Saturday, November 18th, Venice Praise BandConcert, 11 am to 1 pm at the Gazebo, downtown Venice. Bring a chair. Christian and traditional music. Free. 408-8088


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