Janettes gazette 25 feb 2007

Updates to the information files

1) You can use www.snopes.com to check the validity
and origin of many circulating email stories.

2) Jim Brenner and Friends Wednesday at the Gazebo
downtown Venice. 2 - 4 Jazz and Big Band medley.
Liz Smith vocals, free bring a chair.

3) Thursday, Jazz at the Gazebo 2 - 4 Musicians
always welcome bring a chair 423-9270

4) Junk Mail? Catalogs coming to your house you
don't want? Send an email to
optout@abacus-direct.com, or write to Abacus, POBox
1478, Broomfield, CO 80038.
Then contact Direct Marketing Association, to
remove yourself: www.the-dma.org or by writing DMA,
PO Box 282, Carmel, NY 10512. They request a $1.00
fee to have your name removed from its junk-mail

Then notify credit bureaus that you want to
opt-out of their system that generates mailing lists
for companies that send nuisance credit card offers to
your home. Do so by calling toll free 1-888-567-8688
(1-888-5-OPTOUT) a toll-free service that's provided
by the nation's largest credit bureaus.


Anonymous said…
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