Gastric band Surgery Testimonial for Tullia Law

For Tullia Law of

From Kim
dated 25 Feb 2011

My name is Kim and my starting weight prior to getting my Gastric Band fitted was 22.5 stone.

I made the decision after some internet research to go with the French Cosmetic Surgery group (Lazer Clinics (France Ltd). Although the cost was very attractive I was still very anxious going abroad for such a procedure.

After making contact with Tullia Law I was given the name of the surgeon and was able to check on his registration with the British Medical Board, I was also given dozens of names of people all over the United Kingdom and Ireland who had been through the procedure and I was able to contact them to discuss my concerns and ask questions.

Tullia provided me with information with regards to the pre arrangements i.e. travel, hotels, hospital and cost, every thing was easy to read and in English.

However, the big hurdle for me once I decided to go ahead was the money as I was to forward my money ahead of the surgery. I contacted a number of people to discuss this and they reassured me that it was fine and they had initially had the same anxieties. In the end I had to make a personal decision 'is it worth the risk?' I took the plunge and decided to go for it.

I was once again provided with straight forward English instructions and talked through the process with Tullia, once the money was transferred it was a matter of waiting on myhospital appointment. I was given details of dates and times etc. for my stay at the hospital. Once I arrived as directed, everything was very professional, straight forward and all completed in English.

I have no complaints about the quality of the hospital, doctors, the care I received or the process, in fact it was all to a very high standard. On leaving the hospital I was provided with comprehensive written information in English.

My only regret is I wish I had done it years ago as my weight at present is now 11.5 stone and I feel the best I have done in 20 years.

(full name and address supplied but not displayed)

Comment from Tullia Law Lazer Clinics France (Ltd)

Well done Kim on your amazing weight loss since your gastric band surgery. We are happy to have been of assistance to you and wish you well for the future. We also thank you for your kind words.

Tullia Law

Posted via email from Geoff Lords Hot Flash Relief


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