Amazing Weight Loss revealed after just 2 weeks.

I wanted to write to inform you that 2 weeks on from the gastric band surgery that both my Mum and I undertook, we have both already started loosing a considerable amount of weight.

I personally have already lost just over a stone in just two weeks. This is simply amazing, something that seemed impossible to do before the surgery.

Looking back at many of the concerns I had before the gastric band surgery in France. I now realize that none of those concerns were really necessary. It was a big commitment handing over all that money before the surgery with only peoples word to go on that your services were legitimate. It was also a great concern as to how we would manage in France speaking only English. Concerns such as were we going to be able to explain to nurses if we were in pain or explain any concerns to the Dr's.
Thankfully I am happy to say that all the positive things I read about you were correct.

You delivered everything you said you would and more. The nurses were amazing making sure even with some language barrier that we were looked after and understood at all times. The Dr's all spoke brilliant English and were really friendly and in my opinion gave us the best medical attention humanly possible. (Even to the point that the doctor's at home could not believe a surgeon would come and visit us in our hotel before we traveled home to make sure we were well enough to travel).

The hotel staff were brilliant and made sure we got all our taxi's without any hassle to and from the hospital. The hotel itself was lovely and they could not have made us feel more welcome and looked after.

Thank you for being so fabulous at fitting both my mum and I in to have the operation together, it really was a great support us both feeling we were in this together and as I explained to you before, at present I am training to become a doctor so finding time for an operation and recovery was difficult but you managed to fit us both in when it suited us which made this operation a reality.

I hope that when I am fully qualified as a doctor I will be able to put my patients at ease and offer the kind of services that we received in France!

Thanks once more for everything, you have been a tremendous part in helping my mum and I change our lives for the better.
We will defiantly be returning to you in a few months if a tummy tuck is in order!

Until then I will just enjoy seeing the weight continue to drop off.

Posted via email from Geoff Lords Hot Flash Relief


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