Donna loses 28 lbs in 2 weeks after Gastric band surgery I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you for all your help and support you have given me over the last couple of months.My experience with French cosmetics surgery has been amazing throughout as you could appreciate going abroad for surgery is a very scary thing from everything to travelling to the language barrier to the surgery itself. When i first arrived in Le Havre for my gastric band surgery we had a short walk to the hotel which took 10 mins. The hotel was lovely I was very surprised how nice it was, the hotel staff were very friendly and very welcoming. They knew who I was and informed me that a taxi would be picking me up at 2 pm to take me to the hospital ( Tullia arranged transport). Myself and my partner then went for breakfast in the hotel restaurant which was lovely and all included in the surgery package. The taxi arrived on time at 2 pm and took me to the hospital, which is only about 15 mins drive away, where I met my surgeon who was very nice and English speaking. Dr B put my mind at ease as I think he could sence I was very nervous. I then went for blood tests and ECG, all routine. The nursing staff at the Hospital were very helpful and really did try their best with the language barrier. On the Tuesday we had a day off in le havre and went shopping. On the day of surgery I was picked up from the hotel at 6:30 am. Upon arrival at the hospital we were taking to my private room with unsuite, my partner was allowed to stay in hospital with me, and the nurses brought a bed to the room for him which was fantastic as I didn’t want to be on my own. The Operation went well and I didn’t feel like I was away from my room for long before I was back in my room. Dr B came to see me soon afterwards to let me know everything went well. The nurses kept me topped up with pain relief. The next day Dr B came to see me again and discharged me and said I could go back to the hotel again. The taxi was waiting for me to take me back to the hotel. That evening Tullia called to see how I was feeling and said that she had ordered me soup and yogurts for dinner ( soup was gorgeous ). The following morning Dr B came to see me at the hotel at 7:10 am to check my wounds and to show me how to look after myself with medications etc. From start to finish it was all really taken care of. It’s just over 2 weeks since my gastric band surgery and 2 stone (28lbs) down I know it was the best decision of my life and it’s now a new start for me and I would do it again. Thank you Tullia and Dr B again for the excellent service I’ve received its been amazing from start to finish and I couldn’t thank you enough. Please, if anyone would like to contact me regarding my experience with this wonderful company please contact me, Tullia can give you my contact details, because like you I wanted a gastric band for so long and it’s a very expensive operation in the UK. I also know how scary it is to go abroad for surgery, but please don’t be worried ( I know I was ). it’s been the best decision of my life and I wouldn’t change it and I know I will be going back for a tummy tuck once I’ve got to my ideal weight Donna F


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