Contact Us | Earwax Removal Clinic Oxford

Contact Us | Earwax Removal Clinic Oxford

Quick and Safe Microsuction Earwax removal in Oxford

A Quick and safe treatment for earwax removal in Oxford.

Excessive, impacted ear wax can be painful and also can trigger hearing loss
Do you struggle with any of these symptoms?
  • A sensation of fullness in the ear
  • The feeling of hearing every little thing muffled
  • Light ringing in the ears (ringing or humming in the ear).
  • Sudden hearing loss after swimming or bathing.
Then you may possibly have an excess of impacted ear wax obstructing your ear canal.

Is there a Quick and easy way to remove this impacted earwax?

Yes there is.
Jason Levy and his team of  Qualified Audiologists provide a thorough, personal earwax removal solution working within Summertown Clinic, just off the A40 in Oxford. Our audiologists are very experienced at removing earwax with  microsuction and traditional methods of successfully clearing blocked ears.

Can you tell me more about microsuction ear wax removal?

Microsuction is the recommended technique of ear wax elimination made use of by ENT (ear nose and throat) specialists.  It is a completely safe and pain-free approach of wax removal. An excellent thing about microsuction is that no pre-treatment is required - so there is no requirement for weeks of softening with drops before therapy.
The Practitioner uses Opticlar TTL ENT EasiLoupes to view the delicate frameworks of the ear canal and also ear drum and then they use a special suction Machine which is specifically designed for medical use to get rid of ear wax. The treatment usually takes between 5 to 15 minutes depending on the volume wax and the pressure of the impaction within the ear and once completed the alleviation is usually instant.
Microsuction is appropriate for those with a perforated ear drum, hearing help users, people that urgently require wax removal before flying and also vertigo or tinnitus victims.
The actual elimination typically takes between 5 - 15 mins.
Is it Safe to remove Earwax Youself?
It is not a great idea to try and eliminate ear wax with cotton buds, as this really typically pushes further in to the ear canal towards the ear drum which can in turn trigger other more dangerous problems as well as make it much more dificult for the Audiologists to remove. You should not be tempted to  poke anything down your ear  as this can damage the delicate lining of the inner ear which is extremely fragile and can easily be harmed causing long term ear problems.
Microsuction is the preferred technique of ear wax removal made use of by ENT (ear nose as well as throat) experts.

What happens if earwax is not removed?

Earwax blockage, also called cerumen impaction, can occur when your body produces too much earwax or when existing wax is pushed too far into your ear canal. In some cases, you may not be able to hear out of the affected ear. But this typically lasts only until you can have the excess wax removed
It is highly recemmended that you consult a qualified Audiologist if you are experiencing any proplems with your ears. early interaction usually ensures a Quick and Safe, long term remedy.

Contact our Earwax removal Clinic In Oxford for more information today. 

Ear Wax Removal Oxford OX2
inside Summertown Clinic, 362 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 7PP, United Kingdom

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