Ear Wax can be removed if you have a hearing problem.

How often should I have my earwax removed? 

This depends largely on your personal health and other factors, such as genetic conditions of the ear. 

There is no hard and fast rule, except that if you have a hearing problem, you should see a wax removal expert rather than trying to fix the problem yourself. 

Wax can be removed if you have a hearing problem.

You cannot regulate earwax production or change the width and shape of the ear canal. However, preventive self-care measures can help reduce the occurrence of earwax: if you are prone to earwax build-up, you should see your ear specialist have your ear cleaned regularly to prevent future blockages. Your ear is more than capable of cleaning itself. Unnecessary poking and prodding with sharp, invasive ear cleaning tools will only irritate your delicate inner lining and push earwax further into the cavity.How can I prevent earwax build-up?

Wax blockage is often caused by the overproduction of earwax or inadequate cleaning. Surprisingly, the most common cause of earwax blockage is improper earwax removal at home. Instead of removing earwax, it is often just pushed deeper into the ear. 

The use of earphones and earplugs can also cause earwax to build up, as earphones can prevent earwax from naturally leaving the ear canal.

Ear wax plays an important role in protecting and maintaining the function of the ear canal. It is a waxy substance that can be either thin or thick, depending on its location and deposit. Inside the ear canal, it is secreted to protect the delicate, thin skin lining the canals and prevent bacteria and dirt from entering and causing infections. Even if you try to remove it from the pinna regularly, it can build up in the ear canal and get stuck. This often happens with cotton buds, which can push the wax even further. Earwax can also build up in the ear canals if you use hearing aids or earbuds.


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