VETERAN'S DAY 11 Nov 2006

Today is Veteran's Day. (also Vicki Peel's birthday)

  1. Shopping for a new appliance?
    To pass along myfindings at Jessup's on East Venice Avenue.
    Again,you can't believe what you see in print (except from here ha). The add was for a French Door refrigerator 25 cu ft for $2,199. But their price was only $2,017! And if you didn't want stainless steel, it was only $1,711! This was for a KitchenAid, and his explamation was; KitchenAid wouldn't help pay for the advertisements unless they used their prices. My problem, it just won't fit in my kitchen!
    Right now they have a rebate on Whirlpool appliances purchased between now and Dec 10th. Worth checking out.
  2. Annual Singing Christmas Tree presentation
    Not too early to plan your trip to the 33rd Annual Singing Christmas Tree presentation at the First Baptist Church of Sarasota.
    There are 9 presentations between Dec 1 and Dec 10th. $10.00 per person. 941-365-28463)
    To remind you of the parking downtown Venice: I overheard a couple talking last season; they were complaining about spending $400.00 and lunch and getting a parking ticket. Centennial Park - four-hour limit (starting January) Venice, Miami, Tampa and Nokomis Avenues - 2 hour Venice Center Mall - parking in designated areas only behind building.
  3. Paint Spray Woes
    When painting with a spray can, DO WHAT THE CAN SAYS, when you are done: turn the can upside down and spray. This short spray removes paint from the valve and you will be able to use the rest of the can! I only remembered the 'upside down' portion. So I stored the can 'upside down', and of course , you guessed it ! it didn't work.
  4. On what day were you born?
    Monday's child is fair of face
    Tuesday's child is full of grace
    Wednesday's child is full of woe
    Thursday's child has far to go
    Friday's child is loving and giving
    Saturday's child has to work for its living
    but a child that's born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise, and good and gay!
  5. Now playing at the Venice Little Theatre:
    Gypsy - A classic Broadway musical set in the 20'sas vaudeville gives way to burlesque, we follow the career of Gypsy Rose Lee and Mama Rose as they perform across the country. Gypsy is chock-full of favorite tunes, such as 'Let Me Entertain You and Everything's coming up Roses'.
    Ticket Box open at 140 W. Tampa Avenue
    Phone 941-488-1115 (playing Nov 7th - 26th)


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