Lake Village News 21 Nov 2006

1) Anyone have extra furniture
They intend to get rid of? A Lady who has been renting in the park, just
bought, and is in need of some. Call Janet for details

2) Been to see the clowns in Sarasota?
Some are on St. Armands Circle and more around Main Street and
toward Fruitville Road. Also some on 41 toward the
bridge to the circle.

3) Dr. Donohue's column: What is niacin for:
In small doses, niacin is vitamin B-3. It prevents
pellagra, an illness of diarrhea, skin eruption,
mental decline and death. In large doses, niacin can
lower cholesterol and triglycerides. It also goes by
the names nicotinaminde and nicotinic acid.

4) Christmas Parade downtown Venice November 25th.
Attractions start at 5:45 at W. Venice Avenue and
Harbor Drive; parade, starting and ending with Santa,
on W. Venice Avenue south on Nokomis Ave,starts at
7:00 - 9:00.

5) Marion Gager of 192 3rd St. West,
has a sturdy set of card table and 4 padded chairs (both back and seat)
for sale. $19.00 for all call Janet for details

6) From Anna Doyle:
For those who might be interested: CURVES at
Osprey is now under new ownership. At the moment,
they are offering the following deals:

November and December free promotions

Pre-pay your annual fee @ $29.00 x 10 months or
$290.00 less 10% or $261.00 plus tax for a total
annual contract of $279.30; or

By monthly check/credit card payment: $29.00 x 10
months or $290.00 + tax for $3


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