Gastric Band Surgery in Belgium Sees increase in Enquiries from the UK

Private health clinics in Belgium are receiving an increase in requests for information for obesity surgery such as gastric band surgery and gastric bypass surgery from people from people in many parts of the UK and Ireland since the UK Government recently announced it was considering cutting back on these types of surgery to save money for the NHS. 

It is assumed that this was due to the recent increase in publicity on the cutbacks, and in particular with respect to Obesity and the effect that it has on people's lives in general. Another possibility for the increase in request from the UK could also be because of the lengthy waiting time for gastric band surgery on the NHS in many parts of the UK. 

With the increased ease of access from most areas of the UK, it now makes it perfectly acceptable and cost effective to travel to Belgium at a reasonable cost. 


Posted via email from Geoff Lords Hot Flash Relief


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