Hot Flash relief Cure Discovered in Florida USA

 After seeing how his wife suffering several years of frustration suffering from hot flashes and hotsweats, a retired airframe engineer resident in Florida USA began to experiment to work out if he could make something to significantly  limit this symptom.

From his experience as an engineer he knew about the theory that a few metals could in effect have plus and minus effects on the body. Gold, he had been told possibly had the ability to add energy into the body, and silver had the ability to extract energy. He was aware of the fact that several people wear a gold and copper braclet for arthritis, and he had been advised that these bands gave  good results in the relief of pain for rumatic and arthritic conditions. More research also additionally lead him to believe that magnetic force fields can have a beneficial effect in the relief of human bodily aches and pains.

Research was additionally undertaken into the ancient science of reflexology which could also be a possible source of help, when it is believed that by stimulating certain areas of the bodies refelex system these can have the ability to effect other areas of the body. After further investigation andtesting that by stimulating the ends of the pinkie finger with some materials that there was a positive reaction in the reduction of the effects of Hot flushes.

Another area of research in to the subject was the old practice of acupuncture which is occassionaly used in every day clinical practice for the handling of pain relief.

A further path of research was the chinese practice of "Yin and Yang" where it is believed that  "Chi" circulates in the human body along twelve major energy pathways known as meridians. Each one is probably considered to be associated to a specific organ and bodily electrical system. According to ancient Yin-Yang theory, it is believed that one has arrived at the state of Chi (bio-energy) when your body's negative (Yin) and positive (Yang) energies are in equalibrium. Chi, according to assumptions, has been explained as the natural vital power that allows body and mind to continually perform to its fullest potential.

The areas of research were therefore concentrated in to combinations of all of the possible positive things he now thought may be of help. These were :-

1. gold
2. silver
3. acupuncture
4. reflexology
5. magnetism
Many test were done using variations of materials, structures, and methods of delivery.

After testing with these combinations and many more months of experimenting his theory with the assistance of his spouse, he eventually discovered what he thought to be the most effective formulation and combination of metalic materials to put in to production the primary prototype Flash-eez. A elementary method of making the alpha prototypes was hashed up in his garage, this enabled him to change and update various ways of production reasonably quickly. After some time, and a few more modifications to the construction methods he managed to produce a robust product.

Throughout this period he set about alpha testing his new preliminary product by gifting them to his wifes friends. He received a surprising number of recomendations from most of his alpha test group who reported positive and miraculous results for the apparent elimination of hot flashes and night sweats when using the amazing Flash EEZ in the recommended manner.

From the few negative results, he learned that some of the alph test group had not been using the the Flash EEZ in right way, and others had not tried the Flash EEZ for long enough periods, or at the wrong time, when they had no symptoms, to establish any meaningful results.

The product was subsequently given to some Doctors who were known to be interested in this area of practice. The amazing Flash EEZ were then given to selected clients by the medical practitioners as a non-clinical test. The results were positive in 75% of the test groups.
The product, now known as "Flash-Eez" has been designed to relieve sufferers from the stress and distress caused by hot flushes, was put in to a small production run, and marketing tests were ongoing at the time of writing this article.

Posted via email from Geoff Lords Hot Flash Relief


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